Discussion Circle in France from on 22nd October 2020: “From Farm transmission to farm setting: role, taks and impact of farm incubators”
On October the 22nd french organizations from different regions of France gathered in Mayet de Montagne (Auvergne) to discuss about the following topic: “From Farm transmission to farm setting: role, taks and impact of farm incubators”. More than 80 representatives of Local Authorities, Advisory Services, Farmer organizations, NGOs, Training centers and farm incubators were present. Everything was organized following the latest Covid-19 restrictions to guarantee a safe event.
The session started with imput from 2 reseachers: Michel Pech (INRAE) and Cécile Gazo (PHD Student dor ENSAT, hosted by French Young Farmers’s union – “Jeunes Agriculteurs”) about Newbie’s pathways to setting up, with both an historical and a sociological perspective.
In the afternoon, 2 other Researchers Mathilde Girault (Université de Lyon 2) and Xavier Coquil (INRAE) presented “What motivates the people to change their techniques or change their professionnal career?”.
Different parallel workshops also targeted the topics of :
- “Farm transmission”
- “Local Authorities’s food and agricultural policies”
- “ Cooperations and Interactions between the diversity of advosiry services to Newbies”
- “ How to create good conditions for Newbies to learn new skills?”
During these workshops, local public bodies and advisory services presented how they cooperate to accompany new entrants, especially “Vichy Communauté”, a local authority investing in tools and identifying available lands in order to facilitate access to farming for Newbies who are not coming from a farming background. Those Newbies are accompanied by “Ilôts Paysans”, who coordinates farm incubators on existing farms or farms to be transmitted.
More informations: www.reneta.fr
Vichy Communauté: https://www.vichy-communaute.fr/services/alimentation/
Ilôts Paysans: https://reneta.fr/Ilots-paysans