Newbie Final Conference
Programme Montpellier symposium October 27 2021.
Location: 1000 avenue Agropolis, Montpellier, France.
You can download the route from the city center here. Or the how to get there in general here.
Morning session (plenary)
9.30 Welcome & introduction on programme
9.40 Isabelle Touzard (City of Montpellier): Welcome speech: programme of the municipality of Montpellier to stimulate new entrants
10.00 Andries Visser (Wageningen research) Newbie presented: Main issues explained, main results and recommendations
10.45 Alexia Rouby (DG-AGRI) Reflection on Newbie achievements and presentation on future policy regarding new entrants
11.10 Doris Letina (CEJA) Reflection on Newbie and DG- AGRI, “The needs of young farmers and new entrants”
11.30 Break
12.10 New entrant stories (presentations by 3 award winners)
12.45 Lunch
The plenary part of the Newbie Final Conference in Montpellier will be a hybrid meeting. This gives the opportunity to join the 70 participants in Montpellier during the morning programme. The plenary meeting starts at 9.30 hours and will end at 13.00 hours CET. You can join online via this Zoom link. If you are planning to join online a registration via this form is appreciated.
Afternoon session: Parallel workshops (preliminary topics: Collaborative farming, New forms of financing farms, new learning materials on new entrants, direct marketing opportunities, Roadmap transferring your farm, Videogames as leaning tool, organising short supply chains
14.10 Workshops Parallel sessions part 1
15.10 Break
15.40 Parallel session part 2
16.40 Networking / open space / drinks
18.00 End of symposium