Hofsuchtbauer.de is a website which takes over the mediation between farm owners and newbies without an own farm. This is the key element of the website: the farm exchange market. The site offers information on the topic “I hand over”. One can obtain free information about extra-familial farm succession, handover possibilities, phases of farm handover, non-profit organisations and legal issues.
Furthermore, under the button “I search” you will find, among others, general information on setting up a business in agriculture, on financing and legal forms and topics such as Community Supported Agriculture, a strategy of special interest for complete newcomers. In addition to the function of the online portal, HofsuchtBauer.de offers nationwide partnership-based advice and information on farm succession and business start-ups in agriculture. The provider supports both sides in the counselling and handover process through its own offers and also through networking with other counselling partners.
However, the provider’s services are subject to a fee, except for the free information on the website. Depending on the service and duration, prices ranging from €49 to €499. In addition, a newsletter can be subscribed to keep you up to date. The foundation Agrarkultur leben gGmbH is responsible for the activities of Hofsuchtbauer.de. For further information, please visit hofsuchtbauer.de.