Newbie UK presented at the Farm Advisory Service’s annual event: The New Entrant Gathering. The event brings a series of inspirational speakers with unique business models and resilient strategies. Some stories worth learning about is the Wee Farm Distillery in South Lanarkshire, the Laggan Outdoor Centre and agritourism exemplar in Dumfries and Galloway and the Red Shepherdess in England. Each provided important stories about value added products, farm diversification and how to build a brand based on core values. It was also a great time to share about the NewbieUK award that is closing soon March 8th. Finally, the event brought together major landowners and policy makers to give advice on tenancy arrangements, what to expect post Brexit and strategies for engaging with banks for obtaining a loan. The whole presentation was livestreamed and video production is forthcoming!
Newbie winner produces a video blog about the Newbie event in Ljubljana.
Lynbreck Croft, winner of the 2018 newbie award produced a great video blog about their experience in Slovenia, where they gave a presentation and interacted with Newbies across Europe. You can watch it here.