Scientific day on new entrants in farming
What are contributions from research to better understand newbies and their trajectories and roles; how can we further analyse our Newbie data and integrate with other projects?
Thursday 6th of February 2020, Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana
8.30 Welcome – Irma Potočnik Slavič, University of Ljubljana
8.45 Which mechanisms facilitate new business models? – Erik Mathijs, KU Leuven, Belgium
On large scale and local scale mechanism, on the need for new business models and the changes that new business models require to the sector, on constraints and on support
9.15 New business models in agriculture: narrative analysis – Lee-Ann Sutherland, The James Hutton Institute, Scotland, UK
How to develop research papers from ‘stories’; an example based on our Hutton work
9.45 RURALIZATION: The Opening of Rural Areas to Renew Rural Generations, Jobs and Farms – Maura Farrell, NUI Galway, Ireland
Overview of project and research into new entrants to farming
10.15 Coffee break
10.45 Group’s discussions on the following topics
- What methods are currently applied to study entry models and business models of new entrants?
- How to make longitudinal research on new entrants across Europe?
- How can we evolve from individual stories to evidence-based research in the domain of new entrants? Each new entrant is unique.
11.45 Plenary (Moderator: Teresa) Presentation of group discussion results, discussion in the plenary, conclusions
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Whole group discussion: Taking forward the research
- What journal articles can we develop from Newbie data?
- How can we collaborate with other projects to take forward the new entrant research?
- Which future calls are there where the work on Newbies could be continued?
15:00 Close