Business Incubator – Gotse Delchev organized a Newbie project meeting on 22-24 May in Sofia. Thanks to a very well organized field program, the Newbie consortium and its expert board got a glance of the challenges and obstacles of new entrants in Bulgaria. The field visit started with a travel to Samokov area where we visited 4 farms:
- Cow Milk Farm – established and run by 2 cousins Zahari and Plamen, former sportsmen. Plamen is a ski teacher at winters and Zahari enlarges his investment in new hazelnut fields;
- Mountain Organic raspberry – Alexander invested his savings from work abroad in his 5 ha organic farm renting municipal land, which he cleaned and turned into raspberry field;
- Mountainous strawberry farm run by Didy (female farmer), who uses her experience in the farm of her father and husband and has started independently recently;
- Green to Go Farm in the village of Chernyovo for green vegetables and fresh herbs (a young family started in 2013 with 3 ha and now have greenhouses and field in different locations).