On 25 February 2021, the French Rural Network, the European Partnership for Innovation (PEI AGRI) and the RURALIZATION project presented the webinar “Innovating for the renewal of agricultural generations in France and Europe”. RENETA presented the NEWBIE project and led a workshop on multi-actor cooperation for the installation of new entrants.
With 9 speakers and 188 participants from various backgrounds – local authorities, State services, regional rural networks, agricultural organisations, associations, researchers – this webinar was a strong time of exchange between rural development operators on territorial and multi-partner solutions to promote the installation of new entrants in agriculture and, through this, the revitalisation of rural areas.
The webinar was conducted with presentations by :
– Alexia Rouby, Head of Research Programmes at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture. European issues around the renewal of generations and elements of reflexion on the future European programming.
– William Loveluck, RURALIZATION Research Officer at Terre de Liens. European innovations for access to land for a new generation of farmers: results of the H2020 RURALIZATION project studies.
– Nils Maurice, Network Coordinator at RENETA and NEWBIE project. Networking and disseminating European innovations for generational renewal through the H2020 NEWBIE project.
– Sandrine Clément, Director of Agriculture and Forestry, Regional Council of Centre-Val de Loire. Declining the challenges of generational renewal at the territorial level.
After the plenary session, two workshops offered the opportunity to explore in greater depth the issues of tools and methodology for acting on generational renewal.
Workshop 1: Transfer, replicability, spin-off of innovations for generational renewal: under what conditions
Workshop 2: Multi-actor territorial approaches: how and why work together for generational renewal?
More information as well as the presentations and the video of the plenary session are available on the website of the French rural network (in French): https://www.reseaurural.fr/le-reseau-rural-francais/les-webinaires/webinaire-innover-pour-le-renouvellement-des-generations