Steering Group Meeting
7/12/2020 – held online
Press release: Hofsuchtbauer
Discussion circle: Farm diversification
23/06/2020 – held online
Discussion circle: Short chains
16/06/2020 – held online
Newbie award winner 2019: Michael Stücke
5/11/2019 – held at Belm/Osnabrück
Steering Group Meeting
7/04/2020 – held online
Press release: German Newbie team going Facebook
Steering Group Meeting
16/12/2019 – held at Berlin, Germany
Discussion circle: Project insights/ 1st Award winner
5/11/2019 – held at Soest, Germany
Newbie exchange: German Newbies visit Wales
Discussion circle: Business models and education
25/09/2019 – held at Braunschweig, Germany
Discussion circle: Barriers for new entrants; entry and business models
16/05/2019 – held at Kiel, Germany
Steering Group Meeting
9/04/2019 – held at Thüringer Wald, Germany
Discussion circle: Farmers of the future (Joint Research Centre)
29/01/2019 – held at Soest, Germany
Steering Group Meeting
27/11/2018 – held at Soest, Germany
Discussion circle: Access to land
22/09/2018 – held in Erfurt, Germany
Steering Group Meeting
05/06/2018 – held at HdLe in Berlin
Innovative Konzepte des landwirtschaftlichen Neueinstiegs in ausgewählten EU-Ländern
01/06/2018 – short article in Ländlicher Raum
NEWBIE-Netzwerk: Hofnachfolge und Existenzgründung in der europäischen Landwirtschaft
24/01/2018 – short presentation by Bund der Deutschen Landjugend at International Green Week Berlin
1. F3 Farm.Food.Future
Access to knowledge
2. Online marketing
Access to markets
3. Sheep farm Schäferei Stücke
Access to markets
4. On-farm shop
Access to markets
5. Direct sale and social media
Access to markets
6. Crowdfunding
Access to capital