On May 7, 2021 the Slovenian NEWBIE Steering Group meeting was held at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. The meeting was dedicated to discussion on policy recommendations and future NEWBIE activities. We began with round discussion about existing, planed and needed policy recommendations for new entrants in agriculture in Slovenia.
The Steering Group members mentioned 4 successful policies for new entrants in Slovenia: RDP Measure for young farmers with financial grant up to 45,000 €; supporting young farmers´ rental and purchase of land from the National farmland fund; 1st pillar of RDP supports young farmers – additional financial support (for investments and cultivation of UAA by young farmers); project “inABILITY OF RURAL AREAS“ about access to psychological support, help and information. The recognized gap in policies are new entrants aged 40+. For them, a draft RDP measure has been prepared. A final decision on implementation has not been taken yet, it depends on the financial resources available. The Steering Group members also identified other policies that are needed: upgraded support for young farmers for the further business development; one-spot-information, demonstration, training center for newcomers (e.g. rural incubator); register of abandoned farms and farming facilities (toolkit with more than 70 locations was developed by Slovenian NEWBIE team and already presented at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food), support for a process of farm takeover, early retirement support, etc.
In the second part of the meeting, the NEWBIE topic of the 8th National Discussion Circle, NEWBIE Award 2020 ceremony, NEWBIE international exchange in Montpellier and organization of bilateral exchanges were discussed. We are also trying to continue awarding the new entrants by merging NEWBIE Award with the IMK award (Innovative Young Farmer Award) in the cooperation with Association of Slovene Rural Youth, Agriculture Advisory service and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food.
Slovenian team emphasized the gratefulness to all Steering Group members who show high commitment to NEWBIE project and are promoting it in their environments.