Work Package 5: Communication, dissemination & impact will exchange and disseminate existing and enriched knowledge (WP2, 3 & 4) to the end users of this project: new entrants, successors, advisors educators and researchers. Results will be shared with important other actors and stakeholders like farmers, agricultural extension services, policy makers, scientists, producers and consumers/citizens over the participating countries and other EU countries in an accessible way. This will result in an improved flow of information and knowledge between academia and practitioners. A specific strategy will be developed to disseminate the different best practices and supportive tools utilizing the large networks of the partners which has already been established[1] (see Figure 1.4; for all signed pdf’s see: using among others social media like a specific linked in group Instagram etc., movies and the most important information channels in the different countries used by the target groups (see appendix1, annex 4-5.
[2] Over 80 organisations signed the NEWBIE letter of intent.
[3] EU SCAR (2013), Agricultural knowledge and innovation systems towards 2020 – an orientation paper on linking innovation and research, Brussels.