Cultivating land, not owning it
This online discussion circle, with 10 participants on the 16th of June, was about sharing information and inspiration on the topic of access to land. In the Netherlands the prices for buying land are very high (60.000 – 100.000 euros a hectare) so for most new entrants that is not an option. So several models of renting land where discussed.
Besides the more conventional types of renting land there are other models of access to land without buying. These other types can be very interesting for new entrants and we are going to look in more detail into the possibilities of models like the model used by ‘The Mobile Garden’, which is to work on several plots of loaned land. In exchange of the land use, the owners receive a portion (10%) of the harvest in-kind. Because the farmed plots are not fixed the farmers can in theory work on different plots every season, making their farm mobile.
The discussion circle has brought input to a publication for new entrants on access to land.